Maui Tantra Reviews
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“You are one of the most knowledgeable,
experienced Tantrikas I have met in my extensive travels.”
– Bryan (Human Resources, Ashtangi)
– A.D. (psychotherapist)
♥ ♥ ♥
“Being with you has been the single most spiritual experience I have ever had… I enjoy talking with you and listening to you. I personally think there are masters and people who do the real work at the personal level; they are heaven’s soldiers and I believe you are one.”
“Thank you for opening up to me. I found what you said very fascinating. You have a unique talent and intuition. You’ve inspired me to follow my heart and tap into my own inner self. You are beautiful inside and out. I would love to stay in touch with you.”
“Well, we are back home again with many fond memories of our trip to Maui… but none as good as the time we spent with you.”
“I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your time yesterday. Our talk was both illuminating and clarifying for both Bernie and myself, and we both felt a connection with you that I believe spans other times and spaces. Bernie commented how inspired he felt by your top-down approach to tantra – by focusing on the love and expanding from that space. So he came away feeling more open to explore tantra and that is a boon for both of us.”
“You showed me something I have been looking for, for a long time. Honestly I had no idea what to expect but what happened WAS along the lines of what my imagination (intuition perhaps?) had pictured. You definitely surpassed my expectations and took me to a place I hoped I could go, but until tonight have never been. Thank you very much. You are a blessing.”
“You help people in a one on one, what you share is a knowledge most would not want to spend the time learning. I can only imagine how much richer my married life could have been sexually had I known about tantra 40 years ago.”
“I have learned how to accept, appreciate, and love in so many more ways than I knew possible before meeting you. You have truly been a Godsend into my life and I thank Him that our lives had merged as they have. I have learned true Namaste because of you. Thank you, my special friend.”
“The time has come for me to use a bit more backbone, awaken more of my masculine, and work to become a complete Warrior. I truly treasure the time we spent together and looking forward to seeing you in the summer Deva. Peace to you.”
“Thanks for your thoughtful replies. Your words are some of the wisest counsel I have ever gotten, and I so appreciate having someone who I can be totally candid and frank with. Someone whose opinion on these subjects carries some weight and respect.”
“I just want to say thank you again for being able to spend a truly timeless time with you. Its been a long time since being disconnected to the normal space/time. It was beautiful- that golden energy that was coming out of every major and minor chakra point in my body was incredible. I feel much more relaxed and much more me than I have in a long time. You certainly have a talent that is unique and special and I really think you should be charging 3 or 4 times as much as you do for it. Anyway, you’re wonderful, you’re a beautiful friend. I love you in Christ. Well, I love you. I love you a bunch. And I just hope that all is well with you today, my friend.”
“I was touched by your vessel and by your essence. And I will be eternally thankful.”
“Deva, before meeting you, my wife and I could not imagine our sex life getting any better. We were already so happy. After a 2-hour session with you, we went home to “practice,” and I must say, on this very next day… Our sex life has gone to another planet!”
“I just wanted you to know that I noticed how as soon as you started to teach, you dropped into a state of power and clarity that was so beautiful. You are a natural teacher… I love you so much.”
“I am in awe. You must have cracked the door open for me in all our conversations and the light came streaming in because I am not the same person I was a few weeks ago. Love love.”
“I truly thank you for opening my eyes and body to the possibilities in this life I could only imagine. I’m quite sure our paths will cross again.”
“Thank you very much for your intentional, confident touch! I have had such great ease in my world since our session, my confidence feels a greater ease, and once again I can hear my true self more often. Again …thank you very much. You truly helped in such a supportive way.”
“Thank you so much for your deep understanding and amazing soul support. I will always see you as the essence of the divine feminine. You have provided more help to me for what I see as my most difficult personal problems than anyone ever has, and I am very grateful… You are the kindest and most empathic woman I know. You are actually a dakini. You don’t mess around; what you do actually helps people at lot.”
“Yesterday, I met you for the first time, in this life. You gently encouraged me to get on a spiritual bike that I had long thought I could never ride. You invited me to feel a different kind of wind that could flow through me. A shared tenderness that would heal me.”
“Deva-ji- So sorry I have not been in touch… Have been thinking about you lots!! Tom and I are expanding into Divine Love together, without any sex even needed! It’s quite extraordinary and is the direct application of everything you and I have been discussing for months. I am on Bliss Cloud 9. Seriously. We are so intimate and clear and expanded together it’s blowing our minds and our socks off. Really, there are no words. and ZERO attachment to me leaving for Portugal and the future. It’s all NOW. Bliss NOW. Peace NOW.”
“I wanted to tell you how profoundly you have changed my life. I look at things so differently now. I feel so much more content and at peace with myself. Your tantra teachings are the reason for this transformation and more than the teachings it’s your whole aura. Your aura radiates like a beacon in the night to a lost ship. It is my wish that you could teach me more. I have visited your web site and read everything there. Perhaps someday you will travel to the northeast again or I will travel to Hawaii. Please keep in touch. I am forever grateful.”
“Your words are witty, sensitive, real, and very few people can express themselves with such beauty and innocence.”
“Wow. When K__ speaks for 30 min, she says nothing. When you speak for even 5 minutes, you provide food for thought for a lifetime. I will work on my homework assignment and keep you advised of my progress.”

“I just want to let you know how wonderful our meeting was. I am finding it difficult to verbally express my reaction, but overwhelming is the best I can come up with. I learned so much and experienced so much. As I was going to see you this morning, I was filled with anticipation but without a clue of what to expect. After I arrived, I felt like a sponge soaking up knowledge, the experience, and you. Accept my heartfelt thanks for such a great experience. I would love to be able to have another session with you. With great sincerity…”
“I just wanted to thank you for having us into your home and spending the time with us that you did. We both really enjoyed ourselves and you. We have learned a lot, and continue to learn more all the time. We take at least ten mins every morning and connect in one fashion or another, which sets the tone for the whole day. I love it, the closeness we feel is the best!”
“Wow – what a wonderful day of learning. And a new beginning for me. Many, many thanks. I CAN do it !!!”
“Ode to the good lady Hari Deva…
I pursue thee at your beck and call.
Do thou now teaseth me like the usual beast?
(Causing my sky to go black like a midnight curse)
Harken fair maiden
I pay with Hari Katha
Be that not enough for thee?
And so shall I also entice the Goddess Vino to join us as we both concure
What-for where-else thou could ask of me I shall provide thee…
…Oh carrier of the lotus lamp.
My heart weepeth and pounds with anticipation
Torture me no longer oh curseth moon
Tis too many days before the lady doth attend this village.”
“I am reflecting on, and am really appreciating, all that I have learned… Because of you, I experience the world around me brand new. I have learned how to use all five of my senses, sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch, to take in all that God has provided us all in so many ways. I have learned that our senses all work together to bring not only the outside world together, but to integrate the inside world as well.”
“You’re an amazing gal, keep being that way!! The world should have more like you, a lot more!!”
“Yeah…. U r a world class healer of extraordinary compassion & knowledge.”
“Thank you for the night, you went way beyond the call of duty and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your patience and hard work. You’re a natural teacher and very giving person. If you’re ever on Oahu I’d love to meet up and the same if I’m on Maui.”
“Very few would understand the unique qualities of your divine nature. Most would qualify tantra as purely erotic with a massage additive. You are indeed one of a special divinity. For me, you are one of a kind on a majestic pedestal.”
“You are truly professional in your practice and your teaching. And I will honor the structure you have created to operate within. But the way in which my life has changed because of you goes beyond any service or lesson.”
“You have called in other levels of consciousness to fulfill and reward the depth of what once was emptiness and now a continuum of satisfying wholesomeness.”